HTC & Sony Release Free Android Games | This Week: Cubixx

MMO Attack
MMO Attack

HTC and PlayStation Mobile have teamed up to bring Android owners a fantastically fun February. If you own an HTC phone, you may be one of the many lucky customers getting a handful of free games this month. Your phone needs to be PlayStation Certified in order to run most of these games (see below for a list of applicable devices).

Those who do not already utilize the PlayStation Mobile app must download it to obtain these free games. Sony promises to release one free game for each week of February. This is more activity than owners usually see with the PlayStation Entertainment Network, so they can be sure that the new downloads are well worth it. The first game is already available. Hop on over to the PlayStation store for your free copy of Cubixx today.

The PlayStation Mobile store will update every Wednesday, so be sure to check back throughout February. The limited time offer already began with successful releases like Samurai Beatdown and Beats Slider. With the popular favorite like Cubixx joining the mix this week, gamers can be sure that their future HTC gifts won't be lacking.

You are in luck if you own the following HTC product(s): One X, One X+, One V, One S, One SL, One XL, and the extremely popular One EVO 4G LTE.

(all products utilize Android 4.1 and Sense 4+ to access the Sony store.)

MMO Attack
MMO Attack
