Several Skylanders projects in the works, domain registrations suggest


Of course, with $500 million made in retail last year alone, we all pretty much saw this one coming from a mile away. Though, the scope of which publisher Activision would double down on its mega successful Skylanders franchise of toys and games was up in the air. Until now: Fusible reports that the company may have registered a handful of new domain names surrounding Skylanders.

On Jan. 30, the following four domain names were registered through MarkMonitor's WHOIS privacy service:,, and Fusible can't 100 percent confirm whether these domain names are attached to Activision, but its track record suggests exactly that.

Last year, Fusible reported domain registrations for Skylanders Giants, the sequel that Activision announced weeks later and went on to become a smash hit. Forbes adds even more confidence to the possibility of four new Skylanders games or toy lines in chatting with studio head Paul Reiche about a potential announcement for the next Skylanders game at this year's Toy Fair. "Logic would indicate that a pattern is emerging... but I can neither confirm or deny that fact," Reiche said.

Are you (or your kids) psyched to learn about the future of Skylanders? Are you (or your kids) still digging Giants? Add Comment.
