ChefVille Pam Cooking Spray Promotion: Everything you need to know


While cross-promotions across Zynga's Facebook games can sometimes be rather unique, the newest cross-promotion in ChefVille makes perfect sense, as Pam Cooking Spray has brought free energy to the game for users to earn.

This promotion can be found by clicking on the Pam logo that rests in the top right corner of the gameplay area. You may not see this logo at all times, but it should appear after loading the game a few times over a matter of hours or minutes. Clicking on it brings up a new window that will automatically play a commercial advertising the cooking spray, and at the end of the video, you'll see the expected green font that lets you know your three free energy has been rewarded.

You can only close this window after you've seen this free energy message appear, or you'll end up missing your chance at the energy until the promotion rolls back around. It looks like the energy will immediately be added to your in-game total, rather than being added to your inventory, so make sure to use that energy so it doesn't go to waste! We'll make sure to let you know if additional opportunities for free items from Pam come around in the future, so stay tuned!

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