More than screens of Super Smash Bros. Wii U, 3DS to appear at E3

Super Smash Bros. Wii U 3DS
Super Smash Bros. Wii U 3DS

Can't wait any longer to see what the future of Super Smash Bros. looks like? Too bad, but it won't be much longer, at least. In an addendum to Nintendo's announcement earlier this week that screens of the mega-popular fighting game would appear at E3 2013 in Los Angeles this June, series designer Masahiro Sakurai hinted that there will be more to take in of the game at the event.

The designer tweeted recently that he hopes to "release something better" than just screen shots of the game, Joystiq reports. Frankly, it would be kind of lame to see mere screen shots of the next installment in the iconic fighting game franchise. (Even a bombastic trailer to fuel the hype machine would be nice.)

At the very least, we'd expect to hear details on how the 3DS and Wii U versions of the game will interact, if at all. (Not to mention some more information on which Nintendo characters made the cut.) Given the proliferation of cross-platform gaming on mobile devices and web browsers, Sakurai and crew would be remiss not to attempt to enter this space. Though, a trailer would be nice ... just saying.

[Source: @Sora_Sakurai]

Are you psyched to learn more about Super Smash Bros. for Wii U and 3DS? What new characters do you hope make cut? Add Comment.
