Bad News for Apple: Samsung Galaxy S IV to Launch in Spring

Samsun galaxy s3 phone
Samsun galaxy s3 phone

The Samsung Galaxy S III has done a great deal of damage to sales of the Apple Inc. (NASDAQ: AAPL) iPhone, which may be one of the reasons the U.S. company's forecasts for the current quarter are lighter than expected.

Apple's problems may get worse, because Samsung is likely to release a Galaxy S IV model before the end of March. According to the LA Times:

Meanwhile, another report by BGR says a picture of what could be the Galaxy S IV phone is available on Picasa.

The image shows what it says is the Galaxy S IV next to the Galaxy S III. The alleged Galaxy S IV is taller, seems to have a bigger screen and doesn't appear as rounded as the Galaxy S III.

BGR points out that the image shows the date "April 22," which could be a clue for when the phone will go on sale. That would line up with several other rumors that say Samsung is expected to launch its next flagship that month.

Filed under: 24/7 Wall St. Wire, Consumer Electronics, Rumors, Wireless Tagged: AAPL
