Nashville Worker Wes Breedwell Allegedly Fired For Wearing 'Same-Sex Marriage' T-Shirt

Wes Breedwell fired
Wes Breedwell fired

On Martin Luther King Jr. Day, President Barack Obama began his second term by declaring a commitment to gay rights -- the first time such an idea had been uttered from an inauguration podium. That same day, a seven-year employee of a Christian-owned Nashville music venue was fired, allegedly for "non-Christian" behavior on social media, and wearing a T-shirt that announced his support for gay marriage.

Wes Breedwell took to Twitter on Monday, announcing that he'd been fired from Rocketown. "Social media is what did it," he wrote, and then sent along a snap of him in a T-shirt for the band Hostage Calm, with the slogan, "I Support Same-Sex Marriage" on the back.
