Zynga Elite Slots goes live, puts a spin on Facebook casino games

Zynga Elite Slots
Zynga Elite Slots

Slots lovers, your time has come ... again. Zynga's third slots game has launched on Facebook, Zynga Elite Slots. First shown over six months ago at the developer's Unleashed Event, Zynga stealthily let the game go live just recently, according to CE Gamers. And while it's yet another slots game, Zynga Elite Slots is also arguably the most polished slots game we've seen yet.

But beyond dashing good looks, this take on the tried-and-true money printer introduces some interesting elements. Most notably, Zynga Elite Slots could easily be called a (albeit an extremely light) slots RPG. Players do nothing more than click the "Spin" button and chat with their friends, but those spins cause a cast of characters (across several themes) to move along a path, occasionally battling monsters and leveling up.
These critters have attributes that directly affect your slots play, too. (Check out our in-depth preview.) With Zynga's plans for its UK casino games suite made official, it's a fine time for the company's next major casino game to launch on Facebook. The question, now, is: How will players interact when real cash is at stake?

Play Zynga Elite Slots on Facebook >

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