Nintendo spring line-up sees Luigi, Pokemon, LEGO et al before April

Wii U 3DS spring games
Wii U 3DS spring games

The house that Mario built has released an updated line-up of spring game releases for both the 3DS and the Wii U. While there's quite a lot for Nintendo fans to be excited for in this list, there are also a few disappointments. Starting with the good news, Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon hits 3DS on March 24 along with Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity on the same day.

Capcom will once again try to drum up success in spring 2013 with its hit (in Japan) action RPG Monster Hunter. Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate will land on both the Wii U and 3DS on March 19, and demos will be available on Feb. 21. LEGO City Undercover will see the light on Wii U on March 18, while its 3DS counterpart, LEGO City Undercover: The Chase Begins, is slated for a 3DS release on April 21. Oh, and that FPS take on The Walking Dead, subtitled Survival Instinct, hits Wii U on March 26.

Now, the bad news: Four of the most anticipated Wii U games, all of which Nintendo hoped would be available by March 31, have now been pegged for release "in the first half of the year," according to Kotaku. Those games are Game & Wario, The Wonderful 101, Wii Fit U and Pikmin 3--all Nintendo-published efforts. There's no doubt that 2013 should be huge for Nintendo, but it will be much more a slow burn. However, what Nintendo (at least as far as the Wii U is concerned) needs is an explosion.

[Via Kotaku]

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