Mahjongg Dimensions Blast jumps into the world of fairytales this month [Exclusive]


Many Mahjongg Dimensions Blast themes deal with holidays and other real world events, but Arkadium's newest theme was inspired directly by the fans. When asked about their favorite fairy tales on the game's official Facebook fan page, players responded with two major answers: Cinderella and Little Red Riding Hood. Taking those fan favorites into the game, Arkadium has released a new Fairytale Collection within the Facebook puzzler that will only be available for a limited time.

For those looking to celebrate the magic of fairytales for free, you can now send and receive the Magic Beans puzzle from the game's free gifts section. Also already available is the Little Red Riding Hood puzzle, which launched yesterday. On Jan.14, two separate puzzles for Hansel and Gretel will be released, rounding out the collection. In honor of Cinderella (her castle specifically), players that collect all four of these items will receive the special Magical Castle VIP Boost as a final reward.

As usual, these themed puzzles are much simpler versions of the standard 3D mahjongg play, with far fewer tiles to match. The streamlined tile selection results in easier puzzles that will hopefully help your scores skyrocket. Just remember to collect these Boosts while they're available, as the collection must be completed before it expires on Jan. 21. Just as Cinderella's magical trip to the ball, all good things must come to an end.

Play Mahjongg Dimensions Blast on Facebook >

Have you already started completing this Fairytale collection? Which of the four basic puzzles is your favorite? Let us know in the comments!
