CityVille Airport Upgrades: Everything you need to know


The airport feature has been available in CityVille for some time now, but if you've grown board with sending planes to the same old locations, you can now upgrade the Airport to unlock faster travel times, new routes and even a new type of plane! There are three goals that can be completed along with this upgrade, and we're here with a look at everything thanks to the CityVille Wiki. Let's get started!

Nonstop Flight!

  • Upgrade Airport to Level 2

  • Collect from 50 Businesses

  • Master Hong Kong Cargo to 3-Stars

The overall airport upgrade requires you to upgrade individual pieces of the Airport, like the Control Tower and Cargo Terminal. You'll also need to master the London Airlines job to 3-Stars, so if you've yet to use the Airport very much, this is going to be a very long road for you to take.

The Control Tower upgrade requires 12 each of Yellow, White, Red, Purple and Blue Tray Tables, with all items being earned through a combination of general news posts on your wall and individual requests sent directly to your neighbors. As for the Cargo Terminal upgrade, this one requires 10 each of Yellow, White, Red, Purple and Blue Forklifts, but the same rules apply. You'll earn these items through more individual requests and news posts.

Finally, the London Airlines Cargo Route takes a full day to return and costs 400 coins (you'll receive goods on the other end). If you've already mastered all of the current air routes, you don't need to worry about earning additional points here, but remember, all of these steps are just those required to upgrade the Airport, and don't include the other tasks for the overall Nonstop Flight! goal. For that goal, you'll need to master the Hong Kong Cargo route, which is locked until you upgrade.

Once you can complete all of these lengthy steps and requirements, you'll receive 50,000 coins and three Zoning Permits for completing this goal.

A Full Flight!

  • Upgrade Airport to Level 3

  • Increase Population by 2,000

  • Master London Airlines to Level 3

Once you've reached the Level 2 Airport, your travel routes will have an 8% less travel time, and you'll receive a bonus of 5,000 Goods. That makes future routes easier to master, which will help you out here. For completing this goal, you'll receive 300 XP and 3,000 coins.

Cruise Control

  • Upgrade Airpot to Level 5

  • Collect from 25 Cruises

  • Master Tokyo Charter to Level 3

As you can see, this goal skips upgrade level four and jumps straight to five. You'll need to keep collecting items from friends to continue upgrading, and your routes' travel times will decrease each time you upgrade. The airport itself will also change shape and design to reflect that fact that it's a larger, upgraded space. Once you finish this final goal in the Airport upgrades series, you'll receive 100,000 coins and 10 Zoning Permits. There's no time limit for completing them as of this writing, but we wish you luck either way!

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What do you think of these Airport upgrades? Do you routinely use the Airport feature in CityVille, or did you stop caring about it long ago? Sound off in the comments!
