Over 8,000 FarmVille 2 crops were planted while you read this

FarmVille 2
FarmVille 2

Zynga has issued the first volume of what it calls The FarmVille 2 Almanac, an infographic encompassing the most interesting factoids about the full-blown FarmVille sequel since its launch last September. Like the fact that, of the 8 million daily players logging in to tend their farms, there's a vast network of 30 million people visiting each other every day.

As of December 2012, 4,000 cans of water are used every second. (And 8,000 crops are planted every second, though shouldn't those two numbers be closer?) Speaking of which, 17,876 people were supplied with lifetime access to clean water, thanks to the Water.org campaign in FarmVille 2. And on a completely unrelated note, 3.4 million characters did the Gangnam Style after leveling up.

But what's perhaps the most interesting is the impact FarmVille 2 has on gamers across the world. For instance, Zynga claims that, based on internet access statistics, that one in every eight people in Turkey play the 3D farming simulator. And Turkey seems seem quite dedicated with the record for most crops harvested in a single day going to a Turkish player at 5,200.

Oh, and just so you know, there are nine players currently enjoying FarmVille 2 on the islands of Tuvalu. With numbers and facts like these, it's safe to say that FarmVille 2 is a success, but will that reign continue throughout 2013? Well, quite a few folks have something to say about that.

Are you still digging FarmVille 2 since its release? What do you hope changes in the game in 2013? Sound off in the comments. Add Comment.

FarmVille 2 infographic
FarmVille 2 infographic
