CastleVille New Year's Items: Everything you need to know


While limited edition item themes in CastleVille are released far less often now then they were when the game first launched on Facebook, a new item theme has been released containing New Year's Eve themed offerings. Some of these items may also relate to the Christmas holiday, but many can be used to simply celebrate Winter and other end-of-the-year festivities. We're here with a complete look at these newest items, which will only be available for a limited time.

Blue Luminary Candle - 1 Crown
Caught Gingerbread Man - 1 Crown
Clydesdale Horse - 16 Crowns
Ear Muffs (female avatars) - 4 Crowns
Festive Wreath Lamp - 4 Crowns
Gift Banner (3 Castle Points) - 1 Crown
Inflatable Bear - 7 Crowns
Inflatable Snowman - 9 Crowns

Red Luminary Candle - 1 Crown
Reindeer Antlers (female avatars) - 4 Crowns
Reindeer Blouse (female) - 8 Crowns
Reindeer Dress (female) - 4 Crowns
Sapphire Pony - 20 Crowns
Snowflake Banner - 1 Crown
Snowy Birch Tree - 4 Crowns
Snowy Dress (female) - 4 Crowns

Snowy Oak Tree - 6 Crowns
Snowy Top and Gloves (female) - 8 Crowns
Snowy Willow Tree - 6 Crowns
Party Moose - 16 Crowns
Bell of the Year 2013 - 8 Crowns

Unfortunately, you're looking at a ton of Crown-only items, with nothing that can be purchased with coins. We'll go ahead and say it: if these Crown-only items are any indication of what market updates have in store for us for the future, things aren't looking very bright for players that want to add style to their Kingdom without a fee. Hopefully, Zynga will prove us wrong in the future.

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Will you spend Crowns on any of these limited edition items that are currently available in the store? Do you regularly purchase Crowns for CastleVille, or do you like the play the game for free? Sound off in the comments!
