FarmVille 'Hibernation' Goals: Everything you need to know
Mac is back on our farms in FarmVille, and he brings with him a nine-part goal series called simply: "Hibernation." Through these goals, we'll deal with bears that are preparing to go into hibernation, and we'll earn tons of bear themed rewards along the way. We're here with a complete guide to finishing these goals, thanks to Zynga. Let's get started!
Time to Relax for the Winter
Get 6 Small Fountains
Harvest 50 Lilacs
Craft an Arborist
For this Small Fountains task and all other tasks in this entire series that ask you to collect a certain material or item, you'll need to post a general request to your news feed asking friends for help. As for the Lilacs, they can be planted and harvested after 10 hours. Finally, the Arborist can be crafted inside the Craftshop using three Peanut and four Morning Glory Bushels, along with two Orange Baskets. The recipe takes six hours to complete. You'll receive 125 XP, a Mystery Game Dart and 2,500 coins for finishing this first goal.
Let's Get Cozy!
Get 7 Bulldog Slippers
Harvest 75 Sunflowers
Harvest Baby Bunny Hutch Twice
Remember, since these goals are available to complete across your many farms, you can travel between farms that just so happen to have a Baby Bunny Hutch and harvest two in the same day without waiting. As for the Sunflowers, these can be harvested after one day. You'll receive 150 XP, a Bear in PJs, and 3,000 coins when you complete this goal. As a helpful tip, you'll want to place that Bear in PJs into an animal storage building asap, since you'll need to harvest it later.
Nothing Like a Warm Bath!
Get 8 Bath Salts
Harvest 100 Peppermint
Craft a Fertilize All
The Peppermint takes a full day to grow, so feel free to plant this crop ahead of time on a different farm, even before you get to this goal. That way, by the time you actually reach this goal, it will be completely grown. As for the Fertilize All, it can be crafted inside the Craftshop using two Manure Bags, four Carrot and three Chickpea Bushels. It takes six hours to create. For completing this goal, you'll receive 175 XP, a Bathing Bear and 3,500 coins. This is another animal that you'll want to place in an animal storage building fast.
Tea Time!
Get 9 Honey Teas
Harvest 125 Daffodils
Harvest a Bear in PJs Twice
As we said above, the Bear in PJs task is best completed by having the Bear inside an animal storage building. That way, it can be harvested once per day, or even moved between buildings to harvest it every few minutes (or, whenever the new buildings reach 100%). As for the Daffodils, they take two full days to grow, so this is definitely a case where planting crops ahead of time will help you out in the long run. After you've finished this goal, you'll receive a Turbo Charger, 200 XP and 4,000 coins.
Let's Set the Mood
Get 9 Relaxing Candles
Harvest 150 Pumpkins
Craft a Farmhand
This goal takes us back to the Craftshop, where you can craft a Farmhand using four Cotton and three Soybean Bushels, along with one Cherry Basket. Meanwhile, the Pumpkins can be harvested after growing for just eight hours. After you finish this goal, you'll receive 225 XP, an Unwither Boost, and 4,500 coins.
Bears Can't Be Bare!
Get 9 Teddy Bear Blankets
Harvest 150 Dandelions
Harvest Bathing Bear Twice
Like we said before, the Bathing Bear should already be in an animal storage building at this point, to make harvesting it twice easier. Feel free to move this animal between buildings or even between farms if you have to, so that you can complete this task as quickly as possible. While you're working on the Bear task, you can also work on growing the Dandelions, which are available to harvest after eight hours. You'll receive 250 XP, a Big Bear Tree, and 5,000 coins for finishing this goal.
This Bed is Freezing!
Get 10 Hot Water Bottles
Harvest 150 Morning Glory
Master Bear in PJs to 1-Star
Again, you should be harvesting your new animals as much as possible while completing these goals, since you'll need the one star mastery here. If you still haven't reached that point by now, keep swapping the Bear between animal buildings to farm out more points. Just remember to plant the Morning Glory at some point, since it takes 12 hours to grow. You'll receive 275 XP, a Cozy Bear Bed, and 5,500 coins for finishing this goal.
Time to Get Some Shut Eye
Get 11 Bear Eye Pillows
Harvest 150 Broccoli
Harvest Big Bear Tree Twice
Even if you haven't been working on the Big Bear Tree up until this point, trees are much easier to deal with than animals, since Orchards won't become "unready" when you place a new tree within them. That being the case, just move this tree between two Orchards and you'll finish this task with ease. Meanwhile, the Broccoli takes two days to grow, so feel free to plant it before ever reaching this goal to plan ahead. You'll earn 300 XP, a Flying Dream Bear, and 6,000 coins for finishing this goal.
Snoooooooore... Shhh!
Get 12 Do Not Disturb Signs
Harvest 200 Golden Poppies
Master Big Bear Tree to 1-Star
This might be the goal that slows you down, since trees normally require more mastery points than animals do. Remember, these goals can be completed across any of your farms, so feel free to move this tree among all of your farms, harvesting all of your Orchards at the same time in order to earn as many points as possible. If you have Super Orchards that are surrounded by Groves, that's even better. For the Golden Poppies, these take a full day to grow. If you can finish this final goal before these goals expire, you'll receive 325 XP, a Sleeping Polar Bear and 6,500 coins.
Remember, your progress in these goals in timed, so you'll only have 12 days to finish them off. Good luck!
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Do you think you'll be able to complete all of these goals within the time limit provided? Which of these new rewards is your favorite? Sound off in the comments!