CityVille Fire Power: Everything you need to know


While we've already seen a Fireworks Barge released in CityVille, a second has been released just in time for New Year's Eve, complete with its very own goal: Fire Power. We're here with a look at this second Fireworks Barge and the goal to get you started. Let's go!

Fire Power

  • Ask friends for 20 Kayaks

  • Place Fireworks Barge

  • Unlock 10 Fireworks

First things first, the Kayaks can be earned by posting a general request to your news feed, so make sure to play the game on long enough to ask for them. That way, you'll earn progress from strangers as well as friends. As for the Fireworks Barge, this is a second barge that you must place somewhere in the water of your city, even if you've already placed the first Fireworks Barge as well. It comes pre-built, so you only need to start collecting materials to actually light the Fireworks within it.

If you're familiar with the way the first Fireworks Barge worked back during the game's second birthday celebration, it's the same setup here. You'll start by working to unlock the Fun Starburst Firework, and the first material you'll need to collect is a set of six Star Dusts. These are earned via another news post placed on your wall, or you can purchase them with City Cash. As you collect materials, you'll eventually move from the Fun Starburst Firework to the Red Weeping Dust, Purple Heart and more. You'll also receive coins and other collectibles for making progress.

If you can complete this entire goal, you'll receive 30 Detonators. There's no time limit on finishing this goal as of this writing, so feel free to take your time if you're currently busy working on other things. Just remember that working on it now, rather than later, might be smarter in the long run, since you can take advantage of help from friends that are also working to complete this feature in their own games. Good luck!

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Did you already unlock Fireworks in the first Fireworks Barge in CityVille, or are you completely new to this Fireworks feature in our cities? Sound off in the comments!
