Pyongyang Racer is game about North Korea, made in North Korea

Pyongyang Racer
Pyongyang Racer

Since the majority of you will likely never see North Korea, here's a way to do that. This is Pyongyang Racer, a free online game developed by North Korea-based Nosotek and Koryo Tours. Considering the latter is the Beijing-based lead North Korean tour operator, it should go without saying that Pyongyang Racer is designed to give players a glimpse of Pyongyang, the capital of North Korea.

That is, a glimpse of the city if it were an early '90s arcade racing game. Pyongyang Racer isn't much of a looker, and Koryo knows it. "This game was developed in 2012 and is not intended to be a high-end techological wonder hit game of the 21st century," the game's about page reads, "but more a fun race game (arcade style) where you drive around in Pyongyang and learn more about the sites and get a glimpse of Pyongyang."

Pyongyang Racer guides players through the streets of Pyongyang, but you must drive straight or face the wrath of the heavily uniformed traffic women. (Hit other cars or drive into the curb three times, and it's game over.) Thankfully, that's not very hard to manage--this game is terribly easy. Like, boringly easy.

At any rate, it's super interesting to see North Korea get into the gaming space in any capacity. Now, can somebody get these guys and gals a Flash or Unity license? They are, after all, "the only company in Pyongyang that offering western working conditions and Internet access."

Click here to play Pyongyang Racer >

[Via Shanghai List]

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