CityVille 2 '12 Days of Presents' Part 4: Everything you need to know


As we continue to make our way through the 12 Days of Presents in CityVille 2, there are two new quests available to complete for Days 7 and 8. We're here with a guide to finishing these two quests, taking us that much closer to the grand prize. Let's get started!

Snowball Fight!

  • Have 5 Snowballs

  • Have 6 Holiday Decorations

  • Have 20 Citizens

This quest is actually one of the easier ones to complete in this entire series, as the Citizens can be earned by simply tending cars that drive around on your city's streets. Meanwhile, the Snowballs can be earned by sending out individual requests to your CityVille 2 neighbors. Finally, there are more than six new holiday decorations that cost coins or Reputation Hearts in the game's store, but you definitely don't have to purchase one of each. If you'd like, you can simply purchase multiple pieces of the Candy Cane Fence, as a single piece costs just 240 coins. Other items are those like a Holiday Archway for 2,500 coins, a Sled for 800 coins, and a Snow Mound for 20 Reputation Hearts. You can see more of your options below. When you complete this quest, you'll receive four XP, 140 coins and two Infrastructure.

Advanced Gift Recon

  • Collect 10 Wishlists

  • Have 5 Dear Diaries

  • Tend 5 Community Buildings in Neighbors' Cities

The Wishlists can be earned at random by collecting from Businesses. Note that this doesn't say anything about advertising in Businesses, so you'll need to make sure and add shoppers to your streets by collecting from homes, and then collect from Businesses once they're "sold out." As for the Dear Diaries, you can earn these by sending out individual requests to friends. Finally, Community Buildings are items like schools, City hall, the Roman Forum and others that increase your city's maximum population limit. The best (and easiest) way to finish this task would be to visit a high level friend's city, as they likely have five of these buildings already. For completing this quest, you'll earn four XP, 140 coins and three Holly berries.

We'll make sure to let you know when additional "12 Days of Presents" quests roll out in CityVille 2, so stay tuned!

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What do you think of these quest requirements and rewards? Do you think these quests are easier or harder than those that came before? Let us know in the comments!
