Zynga partner takes on Words With Friends with Letter by Letter on mobile

Letter by Letter iOS Android
Letter by Letter iOS Android

Something strikes us as odd about a Zynga publishing partner releasing a word game, but here we are. Woodland Heroes creator Row Sham Bow recently released Letter By Letter for free on iOS and Android, a twist on the popular mobile genre. With a feature that allows players to steal their friend's letters to create their own words, Letter By Letter looks to spin the common word game on its head.

At first glance, Letter by Letter looks like a cross between Words With Friends and Letterpress by Atebits, but it's not until you combine a friend's letters with your own to create a new word that it becomes clear what Row Sham Bow is up to. In fact, stealing letters and turning them to your current color is the ultimate goal: The player with the most letters in their color when the game ends is the winner.

To keep the competition feisty, players can block and dodge their opponent's attempts to steal their letters, and bomb items serve to blow up players' current crop of letters in exchange for new ones. (Protip: In stealing letters, you can go in nearly any direction, as opposed to vertically and horizontally in games like Words With Friends.)

Letter by Letter, like any decent word game, supports matches between Facebook friends and push notifications to support its turn-based, asynchronous play hook. It seems that Row Sham bow has incorporated the best of two already-impressive word games to emphasize the power struggle embodied in the genre both visually and through mechanics. In short, kudos. (That'll be 10 points, please.)

Click here to download Letter by Letter on iOS for Free Now >

Click here to download Letter by Letter on Android for Free Now >

Are you interested in trying out Letter by Letter? What do you think of the booming word game scene on mobile? Sound off in the comments. Add Comment.
