Cities of Legend finally launches on Facebook this week [Exclusive Trailer]


Over the summer, we brought you a sneak preview of Cities of Legend on Facebook, CBS Films and Wicked Sweet Games's virtual take on the novel Legend by Marie Lu. While the game was supposed to launch earlier this year, delays have pushed the game back until now. Cities of Legend will officially launch on Facebook tomorrow morning, December 12, but we're here with one final preview to let you know what to expect.

Cities of Legend is based in the far off future of 2130, as America has been torn between the Republic and the Rebels in a constant struggle for control. Players will get to choose their side and then take to battle against their opponents while being led by one of two characters. Players that choose the strict Republic will join forces with June, while those that side with the Rebels will partner with Day as they travel throughout 20 futuristic versions of real world locations.

Author Marie Lu worked closely on the development of the characters, world and storyline within Cities of Legend, to make the game perfect for fans of the Legend series, and we'll make sure to have a complete look at the game's final product when it launches later this week. For now, check out this exclusive launch trailer for the game for more, and click the link below if you'd like to sign up for an early registration gift within the game.

Click here to pre-register for Cities of Legend on Facebook >

Are you excited to play Cities of Legend on Facebook? Are you a fan of the world of Legend? Let us know in the comments!
