5 More Reasons You Don't Hear Back After Applying For A Job

Applying for a job and not hearing back.
Applying for a job and not hearing back.

By Heather Huhman

It happens all too often: After carefully filling out the online application or emailing a resume, job seekers hear nothing but silence from hiring managers. With little to no feedback to work from, job seekers are often left wondering if they're doing something wrong, or if this happens to every job candidate.

Glassdoor recently ran this post covering the top five reasons you never hear back after applying for a job, but these aren't the only ways you may be missing the mark in your job search. Increased competition in the job market means that you can't afford to ignore any aspect of your search, so it's best to cover all your bases before hitting send on that email. Here are five more reasons you never hear back after applying for a job:
