World Series Superstars has its last game on December 31


Yet another EA sports game will be no more on Facebook in the coming weeks, as EA has announced the closure of World Series Superstars on December 31.

The news comes via the official EA Service Updates page, but interestingly, the game is still open to new players on Facebook. In fact, when joining the game, it plays as normal, with only the smallest of banners across the top of the screen altering players as to the game's upcoming closure. Thankfully, the premium currency store at least looks to be offline, as any attempt made within the game to purchase more Baseball Cash causes the game to simply crash. That's definitely not the most elegant of solutions, but at least it works.

World Series Superstars currently sits at just 50,000 monthly active players, so it's no surprise that this closure has been announced. We'll keep an eye on EA's other Facebook games, and will let you know if any others join World Series Superstars on the chopping block. Stay tuned.

Are you disappointed that EA has decided to end support for World Series Superstars? Have you found a better baseball-themed game to play on Facebook? Let us know in the comments!
