Canadians get adorable, seriously stripped Wii Mini this holiday for $100

Nintendo Wii Mini
Nintendo Wii Mini

We're still trying to figure out what the value proposition is here, Nintendo has announced a new version of its mega popular Wii (notWii U) console hitting Canada exclusively on Dec. 7. (No word on release elsewhere.) It's called the Wii Mini, a $100 matte black game box trimmed in red plastic, paired with a red Wii Remote Plus and Nunchuk controller. What's the catch, you ask? Well, that's about it.

This revised Wii does not come with anything else other than what's mentioned on its official site (which came just hours after a Best Buy ad ousted the console). Oddly enough, that includes GameCube game support and internet access. Let's repeat that, so it really sinks in: The Wii Mini, for $100, does not come with internet access or GameCube game support.

Nintendo's newest take on the Wii may look gorgeous, but it has to be asked: Why even consider the Wii Mini when Canadians can pick up a normal Wii, complete with a Wii Remote Plus, internet access, GameCube game support and a copy of New Super Mario Bros. Wii for $50 more from EB Games in Canada? Well, at least we can see a few places the Wii Mini will could do well: nursing homes, daycare centers, schools. Wait, don't they already have Wiis?

[Via Engadget]

Will you buy a Wii Mini when it hits in Canada? Who can you see benefitting from this? Sound off in the comments. Add Comment.
