CityVille Roundhouse Train Museum: Everything you need to know


Trains have been a huge part of our cities in CityVille, even since the very beginning of the game. With that in mind, it's time to celebrate the history of modern trains and their newer equivalent: the monorail. This is done by adding a Roundhouse Train Museum to your town, which is easier said than done.

The Roundhouse Train Museum is available via a goal called "Locomotive Love," which is now available to complete in our cities.

Locomotive Love

  • Expand out to the Roundhouse

  • Ask friends for 15 Model Trains

  • Have 5 Monorail Track Pieces

The Roundhouse Train Museum will be found one or two squares out from your city's existing limits, and it can be reached the old-fashioned way by simply adding more citizens to your town and collecting Zoning Permits. You can technically also purchase the expansion with City Cash, but that's definitely more expensive than it's worth. As for the Model Trains, these can be earned by posting a general news item to your wall asking all friends to help, so it's best to play the game on before making this request so that strangers as well as friends can help you out. Finally, the Monorail pieces are only available to place if you've already built the actual Monorail Station in your city, so make sure to check out our guide for more on that.

When you complete this goal, not only will you have the Roundhouse Train Museum for your town, but you'll also receive 250 XP and five energy. The building itself is a community building that offers 1,780 citizens to your maximum population boost, and since this goal doesn't have a time limit, you can feel free to skip this project for now in favor of other things if this boost isn't that exciting to you. Good luck completing this goal either way!

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What do you think of this Roundhouse Train Museum? Have you already expanded out to reach it, or is your town already at its maximum size? Sound off in the comments!
