FarmVille Farm Clubs: Everything you need to know


A new cooperative farming feature has come to FarmVille, allowing players that work well with others to unlock exclusive crops for mastery by competing against other groups of like-minded players. The feature is called simply "Clubs," and it sees players creating and joining Clubs with the overall goal being to unlock as many of these exclusive crops as possible in the long run.

You'll be able to access the Clubs menu via the small symbol on the bottom left corner of the screen. There, you can either join an active club or create your own. Creating a club is a time-consuming process, as you'll need to collect 150 building materials to actually create one. Each part can be earned with friends' help or by purchasing them for 1 Farm Cash each. You'll need 50 Signatures, 50 Club Seeds and 50 Club Flags to create your own.

Whether you create your own Club or join an existing one, each week, that Club's members will be challenged to planting a single kind of crop as many times as they can throughout that week long period. For instance, they may be required to plant Happy Radishes or Pricklepears, depending on the week. If your Club ends up in the top half of the leaderboard consisting of all Clubs (that is, if your Club earns more harvest points than over half of the game's other Clubs), you'll receive a permanent license to plant that week's crop, and even master it in the future.

As Clubs gain in popularity, the Club's creator can assign special roles to some of the Club's most helpful neighbors. The leader itself will earn x150 points with his or her own harvests, while "Expert Farmers" will earn x80. You can tell which farmers have which roles based on badges that they have inside the Club's leaderboard menu.

It's likely that additional crops will be added to this Farm Clubs feature in the future, but for now, try to join a popular Club and start earning exclusive crops while they're still available! Good luck!

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What do you think of this Club feature in FarmVille? Have you earned any new and exclusive crops from this Clubs feature? Sound off in the comments!
