How Normal Are Your Finances?

Normal finances
Normal finances

By Libby Kane

When it comes to money, there's really no such thing as normal.

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There's only what's right for you. After all, we're the people who think buying bottles of water is a travesty and look forward to $0 days.

What we can tell you, though, is what other people are doing, so you can gauge "normal" for yourself. Through a nationwide survey conducted by LearnVest and Chase Blueprint, we surveyed over 1,300 respondents (men and women) to learn what the average person saves, spends and invests.

So go ahead and take a peek at the finances of your neighbors, and feel free to let us know: Are your finances normal -- you know, by comparison?

See more on LearnVest:
Get Your Finances Back to Normal With Our Free Bootcamp
Infographic: How Does Your Spending Stack Up?
Budgeting 101
