Media Digest (11/6/2012) Reuters, WSJ, NYT, FT, Bloomberg


Thousands of Greeks protest austerity measures. (Reuters)

A U.S. judge rejects a patent lawsuit between Google Inc. (NASDAQ: GOOG) and Apple Inc. (NASDAQ: AAPL). (Reuters)

General Motors Co. (NYSE: GM) will change the design of the Cadillac to boost sales in China. (Reuters)

President John Williams of the San Francisco Federal Reserve Bank says easing helped the economy without negative side effects. (Reuters)

Microsoft Corp. (NASDAQ: MSFT) launches an aggressive marketing program for Halo 4. (Reuters)

The European Union and European Central Bank are at odds over how the bailout of Greece should work. (WSJ)

Earnings show that BMW continues to do well despite a rise in expenses. (WSJ)

Suzuki will leave the U.S. car market. (WSJ)

Nissan cuts forecasts because of trouble between China and Japan. (WSJ)

Time Warner Cable Inc. (NYSE: TWC) loses subscribers. (WSJ)

Zillow Inc. (NASDAQ: Z) shares fall 22% after it offers a weak earnings forecast. (WSJ)

Netflix Inc. (NASDAQ: NFLX) sets a shareholder rights provision to block Carl Icahn. (WSJ)

EU regulators says the United Parcel Service Inc. (NYSE: UPS) takeover of TNT caused anti-competitive problems. (WSJ)

UBS A.G. (NYSE: UBS) restructured its investment bank (NYT)

Fund managers believe that the two presidential candidates have done little to discuss the fiscal cliff. (FT)

The International Monetary Fund expresses concern about France's industrial sector. (FT)

EU Economic and Monetary Affairs Commissioner Olli Rehn says the alliance must set a Greek bailout immediately. (Bloomberg)

U.K. October retail sales drop. (Bloomberg)

Apple eventually may drop Intel Corp.'s (NASDAQ: INTC) chips for its own. (Bloomberg)

Douglas A. McIntyre

Filed under: 24/7 Wall St. Wire, Press Digest Tagged: AAPL, GM, GOOG, INTC, MSFT, NFLX, TWC, UBS, UPS, Z
