Valuable Career Lessons From Hurricane Sandy

working during Hurricane Sandy
working during Hurricane Sandy

By Tony Schwartz, The Energy Project

This article originally appeared on, with exclusive updates provided to AOL Jobs.

When I began writing this post, I was sitting in a hotel room with my wife and dog. We've had no electricity at our home, and therefore no lights, heat or hot water since Monday, and we've been told that it could be another week or more before power is restored. As the temperature dropped steadily, we decided to move to a hotel and were incredibly fortunate. We could afford one, and we somehow got a room. Every hotel within 50 miles of us is now sold out.

Until yesterday, the street in front of my company's office was flooded -- the Hudson River literally poured into downtown Yonkers. I plan to go to the office later today, but it still has no phone or internet service.
