CityVille Haunted Heights Spectral Civic Center: Everything you need to know


If you spent the last month building every kind of Halloween building available in CityVille, your town might be a bit overwhelmed with the spooky stuff, that you now want to store but not delete. Thankfully, two new storage buildings have launched in your town, giving you a way to store (hopefully) all of your new buildings until you need them again next year. These buildings are the Spectral Civic Center and Haunted Heights Neighborhood, and we're here with a complete guide to building them, thanks to Zynga. Let's get started!

Spectral Center

  • Ask friends for Monstrous Mallets

  • Build Haunted Heights

  • Build the Spectral Civic Center

Both of these buildings are available by clicking in the "Place" button in the above goal's menu. Each requires six energy to build, along with building materials, and each works as you'd expect. That is, they each come with three floors capable of storing up to five buildings each, for a total of 30 spaces of storage across both buildings. As for the Monstrous Mallets, you'll need to earn those by posting a general news item to your wall.

Once you place the Haunted Heights Neighborhood, you'll need to collect the following materials to complete it:

  • 6 Creaky Gates

  • 6 Slimy Fountains

  • 6 Ghost Banners

  • 6 Spider Webs

  • 6 Elm Street Signs

All of the items, except for the Ghost Banners, can be earned by simply asking your friends to send them to you via a combination of general news posts on your wall and individual requests sent directly to friends. The Ghost Banners, meanwhile, are earned by collecting from themed buildings. You can see the buildings that count for this requirement by clicking on the "Show Me" button.

As for the Spectral Civic Center, you'll need a completely separate list of building materials:

  • 6 Blue Torches

  • 6 Yellow Torches

  • 6 Green Torches

  • 6 Crimson Torches

  • 6 White Torches

Like the Ghost Banners above, the White Torches can only be earned from themed buildings (or by purchasing them with City Cash), while the other four items can be earned in bulk via general news posts and individual requests that you can send to your neighbors. When you complete the "Level 1" stage of the Spectral Civic Center and the Haunted Heights Neighborhood, you'll receive two open storage slots in each, and will need to fill out the rest of the first Level by asking three friends to come work as staff in the finished product.

From there, you'll unlock Level 2 in each building through another item collection, and will need to ask even more friends to unlock storage spaces. This cycle continues until you've unlocked all three Levels of each building, and have earned enough friends' help to unlock the full 15 storage slots in each as well. These are likely to be lengthy building projects in your town, but if you make sure to use your news posts as often as you can, you'll eventually finish them off and will be able to reclaim your land from the monsters and ghosts that have taken it over throughout the past month. Good luck!

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What do you think of these two new Halloween storage buildings in CityVille? Do you have enough Halloween content in your own town to justify building these two items, or will you just leave your individual Halloween buildings out all year? Let us know in the comments!
