Chef David Guerrero At Work, Despite Losing Sense Of Taste To Cancer

David Guerro chef tumor can't taste
David Guerro chef tumor can't taste

Chef David Guerrero's new Houston restaurant has brought reviewers to their knees. One "broke some kind of social norm" to slurp up the last juices of his signature ceviche. Another claimed that the chef "could make a solid cebiche blindfolded." Another called the restaurant's offerings "something to behold." You probably wouldn't guess that Guerrero can't taste the food that he makes.

At age 28, Guerrero had surgery to remove a malignant 6-inch tumor from his brain, reports the Houston Press. He had a stroke on the operating table, and lost his ability to speak English and Portuguese, to play piano, to dance salsa, and to move the left side of his body. It also destroyed the palate upon which he'd built his career as a private chef.
