Facebook Game Face-off: The Hardest of the Core Final Round

Hardcore Facebook Game Face-off
Hardcore Facebook Game Face-off

The results from Round 2 of our hardcore edition of Facebook Game Face-off are in, and below you're looking at what you and your peers think are the two most hardcore games on Facebook. In the final round, it's the militant War Commander by Kixeye versus the enraged Dungeon Rampage by Rebel Entertainment.

Dungeon Rampage versus War Commander
Dungeon Rampage versus War Commander

Unfortunately, both Dungeon Blitz and and Robot Rising were defeated by over 1,500 votes, both brilliant games in their own right. With that, here we are: The showdown of the year between a newcomer to the hardcore social games scene and perhaps one of the most storied in the genre. Again, it's up to you to decide which is the hardest of the core games on Facebook (Voting ends at 12 p.m. EST on Thursday, Nov. 8.):

Have something unique to add to the debate? Sound off in the comments. Add Comment.
