Hidden Chronicles: Redecorate your Manor just in time for Halloween


It might seem like a release that's "too little, too late," but Zynga has finally released a full Halloween feature in Hidden Chronicles on Facebook, including the ability to transform your Manor into a Halloween Manor for a massive boost in Estate Points.

This Halloween Estate transformation isn't cheap, as you'll need to pay 99 Estate Cash, but for that price, you'll earn 2,500 Estate Points, which should be enough to unlock at least one scene (or more)for your future play. In addition to that, there are plenty of themed items to purchase in the store, and we're here with a complete look at these items, which cost either coins or Estate Cash in the store.

Item Name - Cost - Estate Point Value

Gate - 20 Estate Cash - 400 Estate Points
Pumpkin Scarecrow - 10 Estate Cash - 200
Graveyard - 40 Estate Points - 800
Bridge - 50 Estate Cash - 750
Tree - 30 Estate Cash - 600
Hanging Lights - 3 Estate Cash - 60
Pumpkin - 5 Estate Cash - 100
Old Carriage - 30 Estate Cash - 600
Fence - 600 coins - 30

These items don't currently come with a time limit in the game's store, but it would be unusual for them to last for too long after Halloween comes and goes later this week. That being the case, make sure you shop for the items you're interested in while you know you still can.

Play Hidden Chronicles on Zynga.com now >

Check out the rest of our Halloween 2012 coverage right here >

What do you think of this Manor transformation and the Halloween items that are now available in the game's market? Sound off in the comments!
