Co-op play in Super Mario 64: A 16-year-old dream comes true [Video]

Super Mario 64 Co-op mod
Super Mario 64 Co-op mod

Through some serious engineering and ingenuity, of course. Modder Skelux has devised a way to bring what's likely the most requested feature for the Nintendo 64 classic Super Mario 64: two-player cooperative play. Modified using an emulator--a program that reproduces old video games on PCs--of the 16-year-old platformer, co-op opens a host of possibilities.

As shown in the video below, this version of Super Mario 64 allows players to join in as a Mario dressed in red and black, acting on the same screen as player one. But what's most interesting about the modification is that it allows for all-new moves that only two players can pull off together.

This might sound cool and all, but it presents quite a bit of hoops to jump through to make it happen, like downloading an emulator program. As Kotaku points out, if you're willing to cross that line, then by all means enjoy co-op in one of the greatest 3D platforming games of all time.

[Source: Super Mario Star Road]

Are you interested in getting in on Super Mario 64 co-op? What's your take on such modifications? Sound off in the comments. Add Comment.
