Apple Runs Short of Mini iPads


Apple Inc. (NASDAQ: AAPL) already has run short of iPad minis. Advanced orders apparently wiped out inventory. According to CNET:

Four minutes into the day, Apple started accepting online orders for the iPad Mini, with initial promises to deliver the smaller, lighter, and less expensive tablet on November 2 soon turning into a promise to ship it in two weeks for some models.

Apple has played the supply and demand game too long. Either that or its inventory management is atrocious. Neither is a good sign for the management of the huge consumer electronics company.

One school of thought suggests that Apple keeps access to new products restricted so that consumers and the press believe that demand is off the charts. Another argument is that Apple consistently errs on the side of caution and underorders its products, based on a belief that demand for new products will be little more than modest.

Douglas A. McIntyre

Filed under: 24/7 Wall St. Wire, Consumer Electronics, Technology Companies
