10 Haunted Houses You Wouldn't Want to Live In

Cleveland's Franklin Castle is considered haunted
Cleveland's Franklin Castle is considered haunted

By Erika Riggs

Creaking floors, inexplicable cold drafts and eerie sounds usually don't top the list of dream house features.

Unless, of course, we're talking about dream haunted house features.

And surprisingly, most people would at least consider buying a haunted home. According to a recent Realtor.com survey, only 35 percent of respondents said they would never consider buying a home that was rumored to be haunted. Thirty-two percent said they would consider it, and 33 percent said they were on the fence.

Of course, respondents said that if they were to buy a haunted home, they would need a good discount: Twenty-nine percent said that they wanted a discount of 20 percent or more off the purchase price, while 37 percent needed a discount of 21 percent to 50 percent.

Regardless of which way you swing, it's October, and we're serving a roundup of some cobweb-draped places that some wouldn't dare put a down payment on.

Tales of horror, glimpses of ghosts and a bevy of cobweb decor -- it's all here.

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