SimCity Social Night of the Lonely Dead Quests: Everything you need to know


After completing the Vampire themed Night Mayor quests in SimCity Social on Facebook, your work in the game's Halloween event is only just beginning. The second portion of the Trick or Treat Trail in SimCity Social sees you interacting with a friendly zombie who wants nothing more than to have a friend. These four quests make up the "Night of the Lonely Dead" quest line, and we're here with a guide to finishing it off, thanks to the official SimCity Social forums.

Night of the Loving Dead

  • Stop a Crime 3 times

  • Collect a Police Badge

  • Pick Up a Zombie Cop

This straightforward first quest asks you to stop three crimes, which is a mostly random process in your town. So long as you have a Police Station that can send out troopers to stop crimes that randomly appear in your city, you'll eventually be able to stop three crimes, even if you need to wait for the game to generate them without your help. Speaking of Police Station, you can earn the Zombie Cop by clicking on it. For finishing this first quest, you'll receive 1,500 Simoleons and four XP.

The Way of All Flesh

  • Collect from 3 Office Buildings

  • Use TPS Reports

  • Pick Up a Zombie Banker

You'll need to have tens of thousands of Sims living in your town in order to unlock the more traditional Office Buildings, like Office Towers, which are unlocked at 40,000 Sims (or with 80 Diamonds). It's always possible that you could be allowed to collect from these sorts of buildings in your friends' towns, rather than your own, to complete this task, so make sure to try it out when you visit them just in case. As for the Zombie Banker, this can be gathered at the Bank. You'll earn four XP and five Business Savvy collectibles when you finish this quest.

The Choir Invisible

  • Gather a Zombie Horde 10 Times

  • Have 3 Jack-o-Lanterns

  • Have Monster Masks

As with the Jack-o-Lantern and other collectible tasks above, you can earn these items by either asking your friends to send them to you, or by collecting from businesses and factories. As for the Zombie Hordes, these are earned by tending homes in your city, so you should have no problem collecting 10 in all. You'll receive four XP and five Community collectibles for completing this quest.

Davy Jones' Foot Locker

  • Ask friends for 3 Brains

  • Raid Supermarkets 5 Times

  • Raid Department Stores 5 Times

This is definitely one of the more straightforward quests in the game, as you'll need to complete simple tasks to finish it off. First things first, post a general news post to your wall asking your friends for the three Brains, then while you're waiting, head over to your friends' towns to tend Supermarkets and Department stores to finish the other two tasks, saving your own energy in the process. You'll receive four XP, three Rage and the Zombie Mall when you finish this last quest in the Zombie series. This Zombie Mall isn't available to purchase in the game's store, so if you have any interest in it, you'll need to not only finish all of these quests, but the Night Mayor (vampire-themed) quests that come before it.

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More SimCity Social Quest Guides

Check out the rest of our Halloween coverage right here >

What do you think of this second series of quests in the Trick or Treat Trail in SimCity Social? Have you been able to start working on these zombie quests, or are you still working on the Vampire ones? Sound off in the comments!
