Gaming on Facebook isn't doing as well as Zuckerberg would like

Facebook games
Facebook games

Facebook co-founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg spoke in generalities during a recent earnings call when he pointed out that he thinks gaming on his social network isn't doing so hot, but we have an idea of who he was pointing the finger at. According to TechCrunch, Zuckerberg said, "Gaming on Facebook isn't doing as well as I'd like."

Soon after making the statement, he pointed out that gaming revenue from Zynga decreased 20 percent from a year ago. In its wake, Zuckerberg pointed out that companies like Kixeye, Wooga and have moved in to make up for Zynga's losses. TechCrunch reports that, according to Facebook, Zynga is now providing less than half of the company's payment revenue.

The news comes just as Zynga laid off over 100 employees, closed a studio entirely, announced plans to shutter a whopping 13 games and significantly reduce its focus on The Ville. Does all this combined mark the beginning of the end of Zynga's dominance, and more importantly, for Facebook gaming? At least as far as the latter is concerned, that's barely the case.

Regardless of whether Zynga eventually falls behind the competition that's slowly creeping up on it, those that potentially take its place at the top will keep the scene churning. But one thing is for certain: In order to facilitate that, Facebook needs to do something about the gaming experience on mobile that at least drives more players to seek out gaming on Facebook.

Are you surprised by Zuckerberg's disappointment in social gaming on the network? Are you disappointed by it? Sound off in the comments. Add Comment.
