FarmVille Vintage Halloween Items: Paper Bag Tree, Caged Raven and more


If you're looking to give your farms in FarmVille a more classical feeling this Halloween, rather than focusing on monsters or vampires, you can now do just that via the release of brand new items in the game's Vintage Halloween theme. There aren't that many items available just yet, but if we look to past themes as examples, we can probably expect at least one more release in this theme before it's finished. In the meantime, we're here with a look at these initial items, so let's get started!


Retro Mask Tree - 6 Farm Cash
Halloween Glass Tree - 12 Farm Cash
Jar Tree - 8 Farm Cash
Paper Bag Tree - 14 Farm Cash


Halloween Horse - 30 Farm Cash
Braids Bunny - 2 million coins or 12 Farm Cash
Skeleton Cat - 12 Farm Cash
Pigsely Pig - 16 Farm Cash


50's Trick Shop - 15 Farm Cash


Frogwitched - 14 Farm Cash
Caged Raven - 2 Farm Cash
Vintage Lamps - 1,000 coins
Ghostnograph - 10 Farm Cash
Broomstick Fence - 7,000 coins per piece

These new items will be available for the next two weeks, giving you time to save up a bit before actually purchasing them. We'll make sure to let you know if additional Vintage Halloween items launch in the future, so keep checking back!

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What do you think of these Vintage Halloween items in FarmVille? Which ones will you purchase for your farm(s)? Sound off in the comments!
