FarmVille: Beat Haunted Hollow for a free shipping license


Just as FarmVille players are encouraged to beat Jade Falls by completing a series of time consuming tasks, so too have farmers been challenged to beat the Halloween expansion Haunted Hollow, with promises of great prizes for those that can do just that. To "beat" the farm, you'll need to complete four different tasks, and we're here with a look at what those are.

First things first, you can track your progress for beating Haunted Hollow via a small square icon that's on the left side of the gameplay area (where you'd normally find goal icons). Clicking on that allows you to see the four tasks that you need to complete:

All of these tasks can be completed over time, as they're not overly difficult and certainly don't require Farm Cash to finish. You might have finished a couple of them already as well, like the upgrade to level seven of the Haunted Mansion, which requires items like Cobwebs and Deadwood to complete.

The Monster Lab is a bit trickier, as you'd need to collect enough Serums to create all monsters up until the final stage, which forces

you to create almost four full pages of monsters before reaching that point. As for the crops, you'll need to master 12 in all, but again, you might have mastered some of these crops already before this long-term goal was released. Finally, the 5-Star Potion Shop can be achieved by simply repeatedly crafting items within it, like Witch's Brew and Pumpkin Pies. You'll unlock more recipes as you continue to upgrade the Potion Shop, and can gather bushels from your friends once per day.

For completing each individual stage in this challenge, you'll receive a small prize. For completing the Haunted Mansion, you'll receive an Instagrow Potion, while completing the crops challenge gives you a Mystery Game Dart. If you can reach a 5-Star Potion Shop, you'll win 5,000 SP, and finally, the Monster Lab task gives you three Turbo Charges. The thing you're really shooting for here though is what is available if you complete all four tasks in your game. At that point, you'll receive a free haunted Hollow shipping license, allowing you to move items between farms via storage. If you've got dozens or even hundreds of previously released Halloween items in storage on other farms, this storage license would allow you to pull them over for free. You'll also receive a "Beat Haunted Hollow" trophy for display on your farm.

It doesn't look like there's a time limit for how long you'll actually have to beat Haunted Hollow, so feel free to take your time completing these incredibly time-consuming tasks. Good luck!

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How close are you to beating Haunted Hollow? Have you already completed any of these four tasks? Sound off in the comments!
