FarmVille 2 goes Gangnam Style: Leveling up gets that much cooler

FarmVille 2 Gangnam Style
FarmVille 2 Gangnam Style

If you have no idea what that headline means, then shame on you. (Seriously, watch this video and then come back to us.) The team behind FarmVille 2 at Zynga has taken a cue from the Internets at large to pay homage to the latest and greatest in memes: Gangnam Style, the hyper popular music video and dance of the same name by Korean rapper PSY.

From here on out (or until it finally gets old), whenever players level up, their avatars will no longer do the normal hoedown. No, now they'll gallop around just like PSY and his cronies do in Gangnam Style. Personally, I think a nod like this is hilarious, and would love to see more nifty pop culture references in Facebook games.

That said, you might feel differently since you'll have to look at it every single time you gain a level. Check it out for yourself, and let us know what you think in the comments below:

[Via Zynga]

Are you psyched about the Gangnam Style reference in FarmVille 2, or are you already tired of it? Sound off in the comments. Add Comment.
