Spry Fox, 6waves lawsuit ends with out of court settlement


Just weeks after U.S. Courts acknowledged the "substantial similarities" between Spry Fox's Triple Town and 6waves' Yeti Town, the cloning lawsuit has come to an end as both parties have agreed to a settlement. The drama between the two companies started earlier this year, as Spry Fox announced that it intended to take 6waves to court over allegations that the latter blatantly copied Triple Town and violated an NDA agreement between the two parties.

While full details of the settlement haven't been disclosed, Inside Social Games reports that Spry Fox co-founder David Edery has released a statement on the matter:

"As several news outlets have already discovered, we have amicably settled our lawsuit with 6waves. We are very happy with the outcome and glad to be finished with this matter. The full terms of the settlement are confidential, but I can disclose that as a consequence of the settlement, ownership of the Yeti Town IP has been transferred to Spry Fox. We look forward to putting 100% of our time and energy into our games, like the upcoming Leap Day, Steambirds 2 and Panda Poet mobile."

While further details are, as Edery puts it, confidential, we'll make sure to let you know if any additional information about the settlement come to light.

What do you think of the outcome of this lawsuit? Sound off in the comments!
