Guidance Counselor Tiffani Webb Fired For Sexy Photos Taken In 1990s

Tiffany Webb
Tiffany Webb

Tiffani Webb had been a guidance counselor in New York City schools for 12 years, when scantily-clad photos from her past modeling career re-surfaced on the Internet. She was fired days before getting tenure, and has since changed her name and taken a teaching post in New Jersey. But now she's suing, reports the New York Post, claiming wrongful termination, sex discrimination, and violation of her First Amendment rights.

Webb, now 37, says the photos were taken between the ages of 18 and 20, but that the images now floating around the internet (including the one above) are doctored -- her face put on another woman's body -- and have illegally found their way onto seedy websites like "Mo Girls Entertainment" and "Showgirlz Exclusive," even though she requested for them to be taken down.
