CityVille Honeymoon Cruise Goals: Everything you need to know


What good is a wedding without a fabulous honeymoon to end the event? That's now the case in CityVille, as you can end the Dream Wedding feature by sending your couple on a wonderful Honeymoon Cruise. Of course, it's not as simple as just hitting a button labeled "Bon Voyage," as you'll need to complete a series of three goals, and even build an addition onto your town's pier to actually send them off. Here's a look at completing this event.

Do Rock the Boat!

  • Ask friends for 12 Scented Candles

  • Place the Honeymoon Sailboat

  • Place the Sailboat Pier on Water and complete building the boat

You can place the Honeymoon Sailboat onto the end of a pier in your town. From there, it requires five clicks to build the Sailboat Pier and building parts to finish it after that. This isn't the standard building project though, as you'll need to ask your friends for parts to finish six different sections of the boat, from the mast rigging to the sails and everything in between. You'll need 66 parts in all, starting with eight Mast Riggings, which cab be earned by posting a general requests to your wall for your friends to send them to you.

In addition to all of that, you'll also be able to collect up to 100 Peach Bubbly, which can be earned by tending "Sail Boat Buildings." These buildings can be found under the "Honeymoon" section of the game's store, or you can simply click on the "build" button in the sailboat's menu. Unfortunately, most of the eligible buildings cost City Cash to purchase, but you can purchase multiple Honeymoon Houses for the relatively low price of 80,000 coins if you'd like to earn some population for your town in addition to finishing this event off.

When you complete this Sailboat and the overall goal, you'll receive five Peach Bubblys, 150 XP and 25,000 coins.

Rose Colored Glasses

  • Ask friends for 15 Roses

  • Sail to the Caribbean 5 Times

  • Master Hawaii to 3 Stars

Once you've build the Sailboat, you can send it off to different honeymoon locations, just as you'd send a plane or ship to return with goods. In this case, each trip requires Peach Bubbly to activate, which explains why you'd need so much. The Caribbean trip takes just 10 minutes, while Hawaii takes 30 minutes. Once you master Hawaii to three stars, you'll receive a Luau Lounge as a separate reward, on top of 150 XP, 100,000 coins and 10 Peach Bubbly for finishing this goal.

Bring on Bora Bora

  • Ask friends for 20 Hearts

  • Master Bora Bora to 3 Stars

  • Send your Honeymoon Sailboat to the French Riviera

The Bora Bora route takes two hours to complete, and it rewards you with 10 Amber Bubbly, which you'll need to get to the French Riviera. You'll need 25 Amber Bubbly in total to go to the French Riviera, meaning that you'll need to complete a lot of earlier routes over and over again until you've earned up enough. Unfortunately, the Bora Bora route also requires Amber Bubbly to activate, making things even harder still. When you finally finish this third goal in the series, you'll receive 150 XP, 500,000 coins and five Amber Bubbly that can be used on additional voyages in the future.

As of right now, that's where this event ends, but it's definitely possible that additional routes could be added to your new sailing vessel in the future. Stay tuned for more on the Dream Wedding event in CityVille!

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[Goals 2-3 Via CityVille Wiki]

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