The Indignity Of Outsourcing: One Former Boeing Worker's Tale

Stephen Gentry, Outsourcing, Boeing
Stephen Gentry, Outsourcing, Boeing

It's a topic that reemerges in the national conversation every four years -- outsourcing. And this year, the corporate policy of sending jobs overseas, also known as "offshoring," has been front-and-center during the 2012 campaign, in large part because one candidate, Republican Presidential candidate, Mitt Romney, previously worked at a consulting firm that advised companies that made use of outsourcing.

But while Romney and President Barack Obama trade charges and counter-charges over their past affiliations and proposed policies, often lost in the debate are the workers themselves. What is it like to lose your job to an overseas worker? And how do you pick up the pieces after a company outsources your job?

Meet Stephen Gentry. His story begins 10 years ago, when then a Boeing engineer for 15 years, Gentry was called into the office during Christmas vacation and told that he was being laid off. His job was going to be outsourced.

More:Outsourcing: Good For The Economy - And Workers?

And it got worse: He was informed that he had to train his Indian replacement.

His bosses told him, he recalls, to "hide and cover up my feelings, and be grateful."
