Hidden Chronicles: Earn building storage for the low price of a buck


Zynga has an intriguing proposition for Hidden Chronicles players who are overwhelmed with the amount of buildings they have on their Estates. Now, building storage has come to the game, but you'll only be able to access it (for now) by purchasing early access with real money.

That "real money" cost is the low price of $1, which will earn you the Building Storage Shed, complete with room for 30 buildings. For that $1 price, you'll receive a completely constructed Building Storage Shed that doesn't require building materials or staff to complete. You can simply purchase it and immediately start to clean up your Estate.

If you choose not to spend the dollar (it's definitely not mandatory), a coin version of this Building Storage Shed will be released in a few weeks, but you'll need to collect building materials to actually finish it off. So, that leaves us with a choice: pay $1 (plus applicable tax) for a downright fantastic addition to the game, or keep our cluttered Estates for a few more weeks until storage is released the old fashioned way. I know I'm definitely tempted to throw a dollar Zynga's way for more free land space... are you?

Play Hidden Chronicles on Zynga.com now --->

Well, are you? Will you purchase this Building Storage Shed early, or will you wait until it's released for free to all players? Sound off in the comments!
