Temple Run slows down a bit for board game lovers with Danger Chase

Temple Run board game Danger Chase
Temple Run board game Danger Chase

How do you make a game founded upon the principles of reflexes, speed and general motor skills palatable for the inferior more relaxed members of the family? Why, you make a board game, of course. This is Temple Run Danger Chase, a board game crafted by Spin Master Games based on the hit mobile game by creator Imangi Studios.

"Relive the suspense by challenging your friends to outrun the Evil Demon Monkeys," the announcement reads on the Temple Run Facebook fan page. "Do you have what it takes to survive the chase?" That's nice and exciting (for some), but what else can we gather from this cryptic announcement?

Well, judging from the image of the box, it looks like the idol that you're always running away with on your mobile device is a core component to the game. Actually, it might light up, make sounds or something else super duper exciting. It looks like Danger Chase focuses on the same core play loop as the mobile game, but what's a total mystery is how it will translate to a multiplayer experience. But you'll find out as early as Oct. 1 when this bad boy hits shelves

[Via Pocket Gamer]

Are you excited to try out the Temple Run board game? Could this ever be as exciting as the original? Sound off in the comments. Add Comment.
