FarmVille 2 Cheats and Tips Guide

FarmVille 2 Cheats
FarmVille 2 Cheats

FarmVille 2 is Zynga's hit sequel that combines farming, community-building, and helping Facebook friends into one addictive package. There is a ton to know about FarmVille 2. So whether you're a FarmVille know-it-all or you're just getting started, I guarantee you'll learn all kinds of cheats, tricks, and more from our FarmVille 2 Cheats & Tips Guide. Select from the two options below to find the content that's right for you.

Beginners of FarmVille 2
Veterans of FarmVille 2

Beginners of FarmVille 2

FarmVille 2 performance tips

How to make it run like a prized horse

FarmVille 2 community neighbor tips for faster progress

Add neighbors for faster progress

FarmVille 2 harvesting crops before friends

Harvest those crops before friends can

FarmVille 2 planting lengthy crops to level up

Plant lengthy crops before a level-up

FarmVille 2 everything you need to know about crops

All about crops

FarmVille 2 land extensions

Land extensions

FarmVille 2 crafting kitchen

Crafting Kitchen

FarmVille 2 prized crops

Prized crops

FarmVille 2 prized animals

Prized animals

FarmVille 2 extra well

Buy an extra Well for more water

Veterans of FarmVille 2

Prized Animal Improvements

Prized Animal Improvements

Combine Buildings to create something new

Combine buildings to create something new!

Crafting Workshop

Crafting Workshop

Meet the Village Grocer

Meet the Village Grocer

Prized Chicken Coop

Prized Chicken Coop

Furnace Guide

Furnace Building Guide

Prized Animal Improvements

Prized Animal Improvements

Hen House

The Perks of owning a Hen House

Check out our other guides:

CityVille 2 Cheats and Tips Guide

CityVille 2 Cheats & Tips Guide

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ChefVille Cheats & Tips Guide

Do you have any more FarmVille 2 Cheats & Tips? Or looking for friends to play the game with? Leave a post in the comments below! Add comment.
