Nintendo Wii U touts its second-screen solution, Nintendo TVii

Nintendo TVii screens
Nintendo TVii screens

Nintendo has revealed its answer to second-screen TV-viewing solutions offered on devices like the iPad by cable providers and services like Netflix and Hulu Plus. Nintendo TVii (cute spelling) uses the Wii U GamePad to offer more context and control over what you watch on your TV through these services along with live TV--it also acts as a remote control through the touchscreen.

When watching live TV, users will have the option to comment on the shows they're watching for their fellow Wii U-owning friends to see and interact with. Nintendo demonstrated a situation in which viewers would watch and comment on an episode of Modern Family or even live sports coverage.

Let's call this move what it is: Nintendo's answer to the increasingly robust entertainment options on consoles like the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. However, what the Wii U dangles over their heads is a built-in second screen experience--no need for an extra device. The question is, however, will an integrated second-screen experience be enough to draw Xbox 360 and PS3 owners away?

[Image Credit: CVG]

Are you excited for Nintendo TVii on the Wii U? Is this a major selling point for you? Sound off in the comments. Add Comment.
