CityVille Balloons Roadside Attraction: Everything you need to know


A unique new social feature has launched in CityVille this week, giving players the chance to build the first in what will likely be a series of "roadside attractions" in their cities. This first installment sees us taking control of a Hot Air Ballloon business, as we'll work with friends to blow up the hot air balloon to large and larger sizes within a time limit.

To be specific, players that have reached at least Level 10 will be given a Hot Air Balloon to place in their town for free. At that point, a seven day timer will begin, and you'll be able to invite a single partner to come help you build it. Obviously, you'd want to partner with a really active neighbor so that you can make the most out of each others' activity. You'll need to collect both Helium and Goggles to grow this balloon, with Goggles being earned by asking your friends to send them to you. Helium, meanwhile, is earned by tending Balloon-themed homes in your city.

At the end of the seven day timer, yourself and your partner will be given a score based on how large you grew the balloon. You'll both win prizes in the end, so if you're both working on this feature at the same time, you can actually win two sets of prizes: one for completing the balloon in your own game, and one for being a partner in your friend's game. Say you grew a balloon to a height of 206 meters. You would then be eligible to win prizes like 1,500 Goods, 7 Permits and 500,000 coin bundles.

There are three additional balloons available to purchase in the store: a Panda Balloon and Unicorn Balloon cost 55 and 80 City Cash each, respectively, while a T-Rex Balloon costs 600,000 coins. You can always purchase additional Labrador Balloons for 4,025 coins, and these balloons count as homes with different amounts of population and rent being available for each.

It's likely that additional "roadside attractions" will be added to the game in the future, and if that happens, we'll make sure to let you know.

[Via and image credit: Zynga]

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