CityVille Lay Off the Sauce Timed Goal: Everything you need to know


A new timed quest has launched in CityVille, but this one is a lot more complex than the timed goals we've seen in the past. In this new "Lay Off the Sauce" timed goal, we're being given a full week to earn the Gold Trophy and grand prize, instead of two or three days, as is the norm. This doesn't mean the goal is easy, however, as it comes with hefty requirements to complete in that seven day period.

Lay Off the Sauce

  • Collect 50 Barbecue Sauce

  • Collect 60 Grill Tongs

  • Collect 40 Beverage Sweeteners

The story behind this goal sees Samantha wanting to throw a major end-of-summer bash, and she needs plenty of cooking supplies before she can get that done. You'll need to earn the Barbecue Sauce by collecting from special "Summer Party" businesses, while the Grill Tongs come from Summer Party residences. Finally, the Beverage Sweeteners are earned by tending Summer Party crops, which means that the next few days of your life in CityVille will be focused on a small sector of items until you complete this goal.

Some of these Summer Party items cost City Cash, but luckily, each category does have items that cost coins, and you likely already have them in your town. For instance, the "free" Summer Party Businesses are the Sunglasses Store and Burger Joint. The free Summer Party homes are the Family Truckster and the Sprawling Mansion, while the crops come in the form of either Ghost Peppers or Corn, with corn being the only coin option.

If you can complete this goal within the seven day time limit, you'll receive the Gold Trophy and 1 million coins for your hard work. If you can't finish within that time, you'll still be rewarded for finishing it, but the prizes won't be as grand. If nothing else, make sure that you have as many of these free homes and businesses in your game as you can before you hit "start" to begin this goal, and you'll stand a much better chance of collecting the required items in time. Good luck!

What do you think of this Lay Off the Sauce timed goal in CityVille? Do you still own any of these Summer Party businesses and homes in your town, or have you long ago replaced them with more profitable buildings? Sound off in the comments!
