CityVille Lakefront Saga Act 1: Everything you need to know


A new multi-act series has launched in CityVille, in celebration of the game's release of the Lakefront expansion. This overall feature will allow you to "Liven up the Lakefront," and it contains three acts in all. So far, only Act 1 is available to complete, and it contains three different goals that will reward you with a Lakefront Museum at the end. Here's a guide to finishing off Act 1!

Cruise Control

  • Ask friends for 10 Cruiser Bikes

  • Supply 10 Lakefront Businesses

  • Increase your Vacationer Population by 1,000

The "Vacationer" is a new kind of citizen that comes with the Lakefront expansion, and you'll need to first build Lakefront Community Buildings to increase your Vacationer population allowance to hold at least 1,000 more citizens. You can do this by buying and building items like the Coast Guard and Boat Museum, each of which costs coins. You'll receive 100,000 coins for completing this first goal.

Give a Whistle

  • Ask friends for 15 Duck Whistles

  • Harvest 50 Lakefront Crops

  • Increase your Vacationer Population by 2,500

Rewards: 15 energy

Without a Paddle

  • Collect 20 Rowboats

  • Complete the Drawbridge

  • Increase your Vacationer Population by 5,000

The Rowboats are earned at random when you tend Lakefront homes. When you finish this final quest in Act 1, you'll receive Zoning Permits, along with the Lakefront Museum as your prize. We'll make sure to update you when Acts 2 and 3 of the Lakefront Saga eventually release, so stay tuned!

[Goals 2-3 Via Zynga Games Secrets]

What do you think of this first Act in the Lakefront Saga series? Sound off in the comments!
