FarmVille 2: Grab your free goodies from the game's fan page


With the launch of FarmVille 2 on Facebook, we know it can be incredibly easy to get lost in the 3D graphics, planting new crops and crafting yummy goodies, but if you can tear yourself away from the game for just a couple of minutes, there are rewards waiting to be claimed on the game's official Facebook fan page. That's right - free stuff!

Now that I have your attention, there are three free items available to claim on the FarmVille 2 fan page, accessible via the "Freebies" tab. Once there, you'll see that you can claim a free Flower Barrel decoration, a Milk Bottle that will help you grow baby animals (likely a chicken or goat), and a bundle of five free Water, the game's "energy" system, which must be spent to water crops and trees. Just in case this page becomes unavailable due to a mad rush of avid farmers seeking free stuff, here are the quick links to claim all three of these prizes.

Click here to claim the Flower Barrel --->

Click here to claim the Milk Bottle --->

Click here to claim the 5 Water --->

It's likely, though not guaranteed, that additional prizes will be given away via the game's Facebook fan page, as a way of saying thank you to early adopters of the game. That being the case, you might want to give the fan page at least a temporary "Like" until we figure out just how "giving" Zynga is going to be with content.

What do you think of these three free prizes? Were there other things you would have liked more, even aside from premium currency? Sound off in the comments!
